On 29th May, the Indian Army commemorated the International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2023 at National War Memorial New Delhi. The day highlights efforts of UN peacekeepers who work to establish and maintain peace in conflict areas.
The first UN peacekeeping effort commenced in 1948.
29th May is the day when in 1948 the first UN peacekeeping mission, “UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)” began operations in Palestine.
This year theme of International Day of UN Peacekeepers is Peace Begins With Me. The theme recognizes the service and sacrifice of peacekeepers, past and present, including more than 4200 who have given their lives under the UN flag.
Each year on this Day, the UN and countries across the globe pay tributes to the professionalism, dedication and courage of all men and women who have served or are serving in UN Peacekeeping Missions and honour the memory of those who have laid down their lives in the cause of peace.
This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the UN Peacekeepers Day.
India has a rich legacy of contribution to UN Peacekeeping operations and is one of the largest contributors of troops. It has contributed approximately 2,75,000 troops to peacekeeping missions so far, with around 5,900 troops currently deployed in 12 UN Missions.
The Indian Army has established a Centre for UN Peacekeeping (CUNPK) in New Delhi to impart niche training in peacekeeping operations. The Centre trains more than 12,000 troops every year.
CUNPK undertakes a multitude of activities from contingent training to national and international courses for potential peacekeepers and trainers. It also hosts foreign delegations as part of sharing best practices.
The Centre regularly dispatches Mobile Training Teams to Friendly Foreign Countries as part of capacity building in the field of UN peacekeeping training. The institute has evolved in the two decades as a Centre of Excellence and repository of experience and best practices.